Wednesday, May 16, 2012

set prompt date to default value

Membuat tanggal default prompt date:
drag Date Prompt kedalam body page,
drag HTML Item dan pastekan syntax berikut:

<script language="javascript">
var dDate = new Date();
pickerControlStartDate.setValue(getFormatDate(dDate, 0, 'YMD'));

kemudian klik pada bagian prompt date dan scroll kebawah dibagian Properties
untuk properti Name beri nama: StartDate

Outputnya prompt date akan tampil dengan nilai default tanggal H-1.

createdBy. @aankdavid

step for coloring on grid table

go to Condition Explorer >
create Boolean Variable and paste below function on expression definition:
mod (RowNumber (),2)

go to Page Explorer >
select cell on crosstab
on properties, define Style Variable >
chose Variable Boolean1

chose 'Yes' on Boolean1 when you click Condition Explorer
and change background color to red

chose 'No' on Boolean1 when you click Condition Explorer
and change background color to pink


createdBy. @aankdavid